Without further ado, let us look at the steps which we need to follow for setting up an email account in Outlook Express. Note: When you open Outlook Express for the first time, you might be asked if you want to set it as a default email client on your system. Answer yes if you would like to use Outlook Express as your main email client.
- Start Outlook Express. Click on Tools in the menu bar and then go to Accounts

- This brings up the Internet Accounts pop-up window. Click on the Mail tab, to bring it to the front if it is not already so. If you are starting Outlook Express for the first time, there would not be any email accounts listed on this window.

- To add a new mail account, click on the Add button and then on Mail as shown in the image below.

- This brings up the Internet Connection Wizard pop-up window. Enter your name in the Display Name field and click on the Next button.

- The wizard now asks for your email address. Enter the full email address and click on the Next button.

- In the next window, you need to feed in three important bits of information - the incoming and outgoing email servers and the type of the incoming email server.
It is likely that the incoming email server is POP3. The incoming and outgoing email servers can be, mail.yourdomain.com or any other value depending on how the email server has been configured. If you are a beginner, you might not know what the incoming and outgoing servers mean. It is not important at this stage to know the meaning; you simply need to know their values. Call up your I.S.P. and ask them to provide the information. At Stallion Hosting all email accounts are POP3. Additionally, the incoming and outgoing email servers are the same - mail.stallionhosting.com.

- The last information that you need to enter to complete the setup of the new account is the username and password for that email account. These login details would have been given to you by your hosting provider or you would have set these online using a control panel.
After completing the fields for Account Name and Password, click on the Next button.

- In the following window, click on the Finish button to complete the process of setting up a new email account in Outlook Express.

- You will now see the new email account has been added to the Accounts list. The account is referred by its server name.
Note: Some outgoing servers, like ours, require authentication. To activate this setting: Click “More Settings” Go to the “Outgoing Server” tab Check the box next to “My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication.” In most cases select “Use same settings as my incoming mail server” radio button. Click “OK.” Also make sure that your reply address is filled in exactly the same as your email address.
- To compose a new email click on the Create Mail button or click on Messages - New Message. This opens a blank email for you. Enter the senders email address, subject and the matter.
When you have composed your email, click on the File - Send Message. The email will be sent and a copy stored in the Sent Items folder.
You can create several email accounts in Outlook Express. So if you have 6 email accounts on your web site, you can set up all these.
As I mentioned in point #9 (above), Outlook Express will refer to an email account by its server name. So if you have several email accounts on your domain, they would be referred to as yourdomain.com(1), yourdomain.com(2) etc. (or something similar). To make this more user friendly, Outlook Express gives you the option of changing these values. Open the Internet Accounts pop-up once again by clicking on Tools and then Accounts. Make sure the Mail tab is in the front. Double-click on the account name. This brings up the Properties window of that account. Enter any descriptive name in the first field, as shown in the image below.
